Explore the similarities, differences, or both, of a subject; or show a connection.

How did you feel the news was treated by both outlets (with bias or slant? with commentary or opinion? etc.). Compare/contrast them. What does that mean to you or America? What you think it means is what the essay is about. 1. Explore the similarities, differences, or both, of a subject; or show a connection. […]

Discuss “The Story of an Hour”: Consider how Mrs. Mallard responds to the news of her husband’s death. How does her reaction illustrate some of the challenges that women of her time period face?

Topic: “The Story of an Hour”: Consider how Mrs. Mallard responds to the news of her husband’s death. How does her reaction illustrate some of the challenges that women of her time period face

Discuss Is a political figure’s marital infidelity newsworthy? Does it say much about personal character or leadership ability? Many admired historical figures had personal lives that today would be judged unacceptable. Does unconventional personal behavior have any bearing on performance as a public servant? If not, why is an affair a matter of national news?

Answer 4 of these questions in depth: Article is in an attachment included. A. Calderone decides to make phone calls for a possible media story on July 22, 2008, a few hours after the Enquirer runs a story on its website about Senator John Edward’s late‐night visit to Hunter. However, news of an affair between […]

Analyze the cause and effects of a topic in the news, using the news article as a primary source.

To write acause and effect essay, the writer will need to determine a scenario in which one action or event cause dcertaineffectsto occur. The focus of the essay will be to explain what took place and why. Claims of cause and effect argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to […]

What’s the big news? What should every reader take away from “Sonny’s Blues”?

Paper details: Compose five body paragraphs each of which contains a topic sentence, separate sentences of detail, and separate sentences of elaboration. Focus on objects and their symbolic meanings, not on characters and their actions. Avoid assertions of sequence. Quote accurately and blend quotations into sentences of your own. Compose the conclusion Sum up (don’t […]

Compare and contrast sources of information created for different audiences

Final project: Part A At the end of the last unit of this course you will submit a final project related to primary and secondary sources for grading. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to build knowledge and skills related to the final project and submit work for feedback but not a grade […]

Write a description of the story and how it illustrates the style and strategy you selected.

Pick one of the styles of political campaigns and then select one of the strategies of that style. Do a search of news coverage of the 2020 presidential campaign to find at least one print or television news story that illustrates the style and strategy that you have selected. Write a description of the story […]

Identify the main topic of the news item, and provide a summary of the event/s.

This week I will post a current (within the past year) HR event-in-the-news to a Journal. The topic should be related to compensation and benefits. You’ll identify the main topic of the news item, and provide a summary of the event/s. Limit my posting to two to three paragraphs with no more than 3-5 sentences […]