What makes this a “news article?-How is it different from other genres of writing?

Assignment A Analysis of Healthcare News Article: Jacobs, A. (2022). Hedgehogs Are a Source of Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Study Finds. The New York Times. Answer the following questions. Each question should be answered with several sentences. Total word count for the assingment should be at least 300 words. Give a summary of this article. Who is […]

Briefly discuss this week’s FutureScan chapter and why it is important we pay attention to it (100 words)

HCM 4060- week 6 DB Briefly discuss this week’s Future Scan chapter and why it is important we pay attention to it (100 words) Include a summary of a recent (within the past six months) news article that discusses the Future Scan weekly topic (i.e. week one is Healthcare Reform) (50-60 words). Make sure you […]

Briefly discuss this week’s FutureScan chapter and why it is important we pay attention to it (100 words)

Week 3 Discussion HCM 4060 Briefly discuss this week’s FutureScan chapter and why it is important we pay attention to it (100 words) Include a summary of a recent (within the past six months) news article that discusses the FutureScan weekly topic (i.e. week societal violence) (50-60 words). Make sure you include a link to […]