What organizational form (e.g. non-profit, foundation, government, NGO, for-profit, partnership organization, hybrid, etc.) is the best for your organization and why?Explain

1. What is the problem that your organization will address? Describe the context of the problem. 2. How will your organization address, manage, or solve the problem 3. How is your solution different from what’s already out there? You need to compare it to at least four (4) alternative organizations also trying to address the […]

Discuss NGO Vs IGO and NGO and IGO,The rights of indigenous people Territorial rights and how did they govern and how they deal with the depute and how they interact with non-government organizations and the Arctic NGO Forum and Arctic Oil and Gas Development – Challenges and Prospects

Topic: NGO Vs IGO and NGO and IGO: Things in common The arctic counselor and the governance – the whole interaction between the NGO and IGOs The natural resources – what are the oil companies doing Navigation-about China wants to get involved and its control- Denmark want to take care of Greenland rights and its […]

Discuss how you have helped others in the last two years.Your answer may include service to your family,friends,school,orcommunity,as wellas to an NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)or a charity

High School Tell us how you have helped others in the last two years.Your answer may include service to your family,friends,school,orcommunity,as wellas to an NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)or a charity