What is the “paradox” of Christianity, and why is it the ideal that can give our lives the greatest meaning?

PHIL-2255: Mid-Term Paper Topics and Guidelines About three-and-a-half to four pages of the paper should be employed on explaining and analyzing the authors’ views. This means clearly and carefully answering all of the topic questions, explicating the relevant arguments, and explaining their significance. In this part of your paper, it is extremely important to accurately […]

List and briefly explain three similarities between the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.

Phil 310 final Question 1. Answer one and only one of the following short answer questions by entering your response in the space provided. There is no specific length requirement, but a suitable answer will consist of about 6 or 7 pointed, well-formulated, and accurate sentences. (1) Using your own words, briefly explain Hegel&x27;s notion […]

Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant.

Analytical Essay Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant. In what ways does Nietzsche “go further” than Kant in his critique of metaphysics? Do you think Nietzsche’s radical critique of metaphysics is justified? Why or why not?

Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant.

Analytical essay 2 Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant. In what ways does Nietzsche “go further” than Kant in his critique of metaphysics? Do you think Nietzsche’s radical critique of metaphysics is justified? Why or why not? Click here to download a handout that may […]

How is it, then, that Nietzsche could say that perhaps philosophy is like a raven, inspired by a “little whiff of carrion [that is, dead flesh]”?

respond carefully to the questions thank you. Was (or is) there something deeply important missing in philosophy (or in religion, or in anything we do with words and ideas in politics or government, for example)? Did philosophy forget the first thing about itself that it is first a self? That being a “self” means something […]

Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester (for instance Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche etc) and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be.

Fin discussion Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester (for instance Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche etc) and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be. Your answers should be at a minimum one paragraph in length or as long as you like up to a total of two […]

How does Buddha’s theory of the self differ from the one advanced by Plato?

Coursework Answer the following questions in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise topic (1-2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, at least 1 direct quote from the materials of the course, and at least 5-7 sentences or more than analyze the direct quotes and explain how the […]

What does it mean to make a living for-from politics-how does this affect the process of governing?

The purpose of philosophy I) Nietzsche What is the point of studying the past – especially the ideas, morals, and philosophies of prior generations? To answer this question,Address the following specific topics. 1) Define and provide textual examples of what Nietzsche means by the term “history.” 2) Evaluate both the pros and cons of using […]