How will the problems of democracy in Nigeria be resolved?

Question Nigeria has struggled to build a durable democracy since becoming independent of Britain in 1960. Its first democracy collapsed in 1966. Its second democracy collapsed in 1983. An attempt to return to democracy was overthrown in 1993. Since 1999, it has maintained reasonably fair and free elections for a poor and populous country. You […]

What are some possible social supports that can aid victims in the U.S.?

Mandatory lockdowns, quarantines, and shelter-in-place orders meant to contain COVID-19 have created a shadow pandemic of domestic abuse, says physician Kemi DaSilva-Ibru. Sharing alarming statistics on the rise of gender-based violence worldwide, she describes how Nigeria quickly retrained a squadron of basic health care providers to respond to the crisis and shares lessons other countries […]

Describe the strategic approach of the United States to terrorism in Africa and explain the threat to the United States from terrorists recruited by Al Shabaab.

Discussion board post Politics of Africa and Homeland write as a discussion board post This week explores many important concepts involving threats to the United States from terrorist organizations in Africa. Describe the strategic approach of the United States to terrorism in Africa and explain the threat to the United States from terrorists recruited by […]

Explain the choice of analytical techniques and procedures in terms of reliability and validity/dependability and credibility.

Research Methods Assignment Using your own data or secondary dataset (of sufficient variables and n sample) or data provided by the instructor (not applicable here), this assignment requires you to choose an appropriate data analysis/ Statistical technique / qualitative technique to analyze the data. Topic to use is “Using sociotransformative constructivism to create a multicultural […]

What measles immunization priorities should be considered in conflict-humanitarian emergency situations

CASE 17: ELIMINATING MEASLES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 1.In 2003, 610,000 children died from measles. Why? If a good vaccine exists, what are the factors that limit immunization in many countries in Africa and South Asia? 2. What measles immunization priorities should be considered in conflict and humanitarian emergency situations? What different priorities might be pursued […]

What framework can the banking heads and Government utilize in strategizing against the emergent cases of cybercrime in Nigeria?Discuss

Title: Combatting cybercrime within the Banking Sector in Nigeria AIMS The purpose of this research is to make a substantial contribution to re-modifying and justifying techniques utilized by Governments and IT-based organisations in preventing the occurrence of cybercrimes. RESEARCH QUESTION What framework can the banking heads and Government utilize in strategizing against the emergent cases […]

Discuss how was the airline business affected in Nigeria.

Topic: Crisis Management Paper details: using HUMAN RESOURCE and or FINANCE to define the crisis caused by Covid-19 on Airline Business, – how was the airline business affected in Nigeria – how was communication and crisis management was handled in Nigeria Airline business – are there opportunities that can arifktse in Nigeria Airline business