How can these articles inform your communication studies education and/or how you use communication in your future? 

PowerPose Critique Part 1: Read the following articles: The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation [PDF] Click for more options The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation [PDF] – Alternative Formats Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance [PDF] Click for more options Power Posing: […]

What were the negatives and positives-How would you have done things differently?

Topic: Nonverbal Case Study Journal Entry Prompt option 1: Give an example of a time your misinterpreted a person’s nonverbal communication or they misinterpreted yours in relationship. What happened? What type of nonverbal communication was it? How did you interpret it? How did they mean it? How did you figure out how they meant it? […]

What did you learn about speech making from watching this speech, and how will you use what you’ve learned for your next speech in this class?

Essay Here is the process: 1. Watch your full speech 2. Take notes on the speech specific to the questions to be addressed in your essay 3. Write a 3 to 4-page essay analyzing your speech. You are to answer the following questions in your essay: • How was the speech constructed? Was there anything […]

What does the nonverbal communication of the individuals reveal to you? Give examples.

Nonverbal The following questions should be answered within your essay: 1. What is the communication context? Describe the location, time of day, clothes each is wearing, gender of each, estimated age of each person, and any other relevant information to set up the observation. 2. What does the nonverbal communication of the individuals reveal to […]

Explore one nonverbal communication concept in a cross-cultural context

Objectives Explore one nonverbal communication concept in a cross-cultural context Develop skills in digital communication Guidelines the Global/Digital Project For this project focusing on chapters 3-4-5-6, you will explore a verbal or nonverbal communication concept in two different cultures including one of the cultures you identify with. You will define and describe the concept in […]

What was your reaction? Discuss why microaggressions are harmful. Provide supporting evidence of the negative impact of microaggressions.

We will continue to discuss ability/disability identities this unit and the next. There are 2 parts to this week’s discussion. This week, as you read the unit’s content, Research any disability violations and related lawsuits in your current local region or profession. Then, discuss a brief plan on how you would limit these kinds of […]

Describe exactly how you taught the content using these strategies?

Determine the client/family knowledge deficit Identify a specific potential barrier(s) to learning Identify potential client/family’s specific learning style(s) Develop a detailed content outline for the teaching plan Access learning materials for the teaching session Implement the teaching plan per the content outline you created Identify specific teaching strategies (refer to article for suggestions) Describe exactly […]

Discuss why you suppose we tend to believe nonverbal cues, even when they contradict what a person is saying? Can you think of a situation in which you would believe the person’s verbal message instead? Use your textbook to justify your responses.

QUESTIONS MY CLASSMATES RESPONDED TO: 1.) Collect an example of an article, ad, etc. that contains loaded language. If you’re using an example from something printed, snap a photo of it and attach it to your post. If you use an electronic example, be sure to share the web address. Explain why the language is […]