Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas.

Module 2 Discussion To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese? Who benefited more from this seaborne interaction? Explain, with examples. Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more inclined toward independence than their Spanish American […]

Do you accept her topic that the concept of human rights developed only in the 18th century in Europe and North America? Why or why not?

Inventing Human Rights You will write a formal essay of 1,250-1,500 words of text, (not including title pages, works cited, etc.). The essay is worth up to 10 course points. This is a formal writing assignment. Unlike the discussions and website summaries, you will submit it privately to me. Your essay will be based on […]

What will be the physical elements of your character?Is your archetypal character deity, demi-god, or human?

We have studied several mythological archetypes from around the world, in different cultural contexts and time periods. We have spent a significant amount of time in the course analyzing the archetypes of hero and trickster, in particular. You have the opportunity to create a character that fits the mythological archetype of either hero or trickster […]

What did the French, Dutch and Swedish colonies have in common? How were they different? Why were those colonies significant? What impact did they have in the native population of North America

What did the French, Dutch and Swedish colonies have in common? How were they different? Why were those colonies significant? What impact did they have in the native population of North America

Describe those who chose to emigrate to North America from England and explain their reasons.

Paper details: Directions: In two pages or less, incorporate the key ideas and terms used throughout the chapter into your essay style answer to the posed question. Be sure to include anything from the chapter that may be associated with the question topic. Question: Describe those who chose to emigrate to North America from England […]