Describe how things ended; was the dilemma resolved, unresolved, or worsened by subsequent situations?

PROMPT A: This week we read Mark Twain’s tongue-in-cheek advice to youth. Select two of the readings and two of the video clips and create your own list of advice to youth. Be sure to list the readings and clips you selected. Your list can be ironic like Mark Twain’s, but it cannot be offensive. […]

Identify the independent variables that you will be using and then describe what would be in each cell.

“FACTORIAL DESIGNS” Factorial designs have become increasingly more popular because they can show a better picture of the complexity of behavior. In 300 words or more, think of a social issue within your local community that you could investigate using a 2 x 2 factorial design. Describe the social issue and explain why a facorial […]

What lessons came out of the experience-Did we forget these lessons in future conflicts?

How and why did the U.S. become involved in Vietnam? What mistakes were made there? What lessons came out of the experience? Did we forget these lessons in future conflicts? Write 16 different paragraphs about the prompt above Foner, Eric, , Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton: get EITHER the full edition Foner, Voices of […]

How would you design the study if you were doing an experimental study?

“CORRELATIONAL VS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS” You have been tasked to research the relationship between academic performance and studying either alone or in a group. How would you design the study if you were doing a correlational study? How would you design the study if you were doing an experimental study? Between these two designs which one […]

What are the pertinent results of the manipulation? (What were the findings and conclusions drawn?)

Article Review Experiential Self-Focus in Social Anxiety Disorder: Is it Beneficial? By Alice R. Norton and Maree J. Abbott References Norton, A. R., & Abbott, M. J. (2018). Experiential Self‐Focus in Social Anxiety Disorder: Is it Beneficial? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(3), 480–488. Read the Introduction. Highlight the purpose of the article and the […]

How did Frederick Douglass use emotional appeal to persuade his audience of his point of view?”.

This is an analytic essay assignment. It is based off of the book “The Narrative of Frederick Douglass by W.W.Norton 2nd Edition.This is very important. can not use any other edition of this book. The essay is based around the question “How did Frederick Douglass use emotional appeal to persuade his audience of his point […]