Discuss the abuses of information and privacy in 1984 and the possibility of such abuses occurring today

1984 Discussion Respond to the following only using the novel 1984 In Oceania, citizens lack privacy, have little control over their daily lives, and learn only the information that the Party chooses to tell them. Today, by contrast, information flows freely through many forms of media. People can look up any topic at any time […]

Discuss what the object symbolizes and why it is integral to understanding the text.

Book Report on Steven Kings book “Carrrie” Part 1: Pick a quote from the book that sums up the overall message of the text. Explain the context of the quote, then be sure to thoroughly discuss how and why this quote sums up the book. Part 2: Contain a chapter or section that is the […]

What are the key challenges or problems of this position?

You are allowed to write in first-person perspective for this assignment because you will be expressing your personal experiences and opinions. Bring clarity to the issues being discussed, raise new and novel (yet relevant) points, and relate issues to personal experiences. In 500-600 words, respond to the following questions: Directions: Reply to the below prompts/questions […]

Why does the author choose to end his/her novel the way she does?

You finished reading the novel, and you would like to add or modify a scene. You can make up a new character, rewrite an existing character’s scene, or write the scene with you as the character. Write a 4-6-page scene. You should include a description of where this scene would fall in the book and […]

Discuss how the ideas under study pertain to real world phenomena

Discussion Question Week 7a You will be required to submit 1 discussion question per article prior to class. The discussion questions will be compiled and used (as appropriate) by the discussion leaders and myself. Good discussion questions often 1) involve problems and ideas that tie together several readings/perspectives 2) meaningfully criticize some aspect of the […]

How do you feel about companies using Al to analyze your social media content to get an idea of what you’re thinking and feeling?

WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? 1. How do you feel about companies using Al to analyze your social media content to get an idea of what you’re thinking and feeling? 2. Would you feel differently about an enjoyable novel or movie if you learned it had been written by an Al system? Why or why not?166

discuss how the ideas under study pertain to real world phenomena

Discussion Questions You will be required to submit 1 discussion question per article prior to class. The discussion questions will be compiled and used (as appropriate) by the discussion leaders and myself. Good discussion questions often 1) involve problems and ideas that tie together several readings/perspectives 2) meaningfully criticize some aspect of the readings 3) […]

What are the enduring themes of the novel-Provide clear points that are supported with evidence from the text.

Reader Response Guidelines Format: Must be typed, using 12 pt. font, double spaced, and no more than 1-inch margins. In the upper right hand corner, put your name, block, date, and name of the book. Center the title, then begin paper. Length: 4 pages (minimum) Content: Each RR is divided into 5 different phases. Although […]