Explore what issue or element in our world you think needs to be reconsidered and/or changed? How would we start to go about that?

Start from some concrete passages in the novel that ask us to reconsider how we understand a key idea or issue that matters to you; then, in this paper, please explore what issue or element in our world you think needs to be reconsidered and/or changed? How would we start to go about that?

Discuss in chapter 3, Mouret whispers to the Baron, “get the women and you’ll the world” (p. 49). What does he mean really?

Zola’s novel Ladies’ Paradise presents you with a familiar landscape: Baudelaire’s Paris which we along with Ladies’ Paradise. As it happens, it was during that time that a great part of Notre-Dame, which was engulfed in flames last year, was reconstructed. The first three chapters of the novel (this week’s required reading) present you with three consecutive angles: […]

Explore how Dumas uses the central characters and the main plot or subplots in ​The Count of Monte Cristo​ to develop the​ themes and motifs ​within the novel.

1. Byronic Hero: ​Support or refute the argument for the Count of Monte Cristo as a ​Byronic Hero ​(with a capital B and a capital H). Be certain to use examples (including ​at least one quote from the text per point​) to support your contention. Make sure that you explain what a Byronic Hero is […]

Critical Analyse The Novel Hank Green’s An Absolutely Remarkable Thing.

Paper detalis: 1) The novel An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, 2) outside scholarly source #1, and 3) outside scholarly source #2 that you have researched and used in your paper. If I do not see at least these three sources, your essay will not pass. You may, of course, use more than three sources in your […]

Address the historical situation of the novel in some way

Description Write an extra final chapter the novel. Address the historical situation of the novel in some way. You can rewrite the ending or add onto the ending as it is in the novel 4-6 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, MLA formatting The novel name is :Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro […]

Choose ONE character in Cold Comfort Farm and make an argument about their use of language during the novel. Language should be taken to mean both how the character speaks, and also how he or she is described by the narrator. Does this language evolve? Does it stay the same? What does this mean?

Description 1. Choose ONE character in Cold Comfort Farm and make an argument about their use of language during the novel. Language should be taken to mean both how the character speaks, and also how he or she is described by the narrator. Does this language evolve? Does it stay the same? What does this […]

Discuss what do you see as the most controversial aspect of this graphic novel? Is it the discussion of bodily functions, the depiction of mental health/ anxiety or the author herself (who has made others banned books list with Drama) or something else?

Paper details: 50 words or more what do you see as the most controversial aspect of this graphic novel? Is it the discussion of bodily functions, the depiction of mental health/ anxiety or the author herself (who has made others banned books list with Drama) or something else? Be specific in your answer as to […]

: Explain how the graphic novel-American Born Chinese portrays two opposing values: the strength to stay true to yourself, and the willingness to change and grow. Does the graphic novel suggest that one is more important than the other (or that they are of

Topic: Explain how the graphic novel-American Born Chinese portrays two opposing values: the strength to stay true to yourself, and the willingness to change and grow. Does the graphic novel suggest that one is more important than the other (or that they are of Paper details: Within your analysis, you need to incorporate material about […]

Write a five-paragraph essay with five to seven sentences in each paragraph comparing and contrasting two of the characters in our novel, The Last of the Mohicans.

Write a five-paragraph essay with five to seven sentences in each paragraph comparing and contrasting two of the characters in our novel, The Last of the Mohicans. Use MLA format. Use 12-point Times New Roman, double space, use the tab key to indent at the