How does Rutherford’s hypothesis agree with his experimental results?

The Discovery of Nucleus Write an essay in which you will discuss the discovery of the nucleus by E. Rutherford. Your paper has to be typed and uploaded in Managebac by the due date. Your essay should involve some research and should answer the questions below in an organized, easy to read and convincing manner: […]

Discuss the synthesis of proteins. (You need to include transcription, translation and the function of ribosomes and the role of nucleic acids). Explain the role of nucleic acids in the nucleus and cytoplasm

Topic: Discuss the synthesis of proteins. (You need to include transcription, translation and the function of ribosomes and the role of nucleic acids). Explain the role of nucleic acids in the nucleus and cytoplasm

Explain Robert Brown (1833) was the first to describe the nucleus. Why was he the first to recognize the importance? When looking at new discoveries, how do you decide what is important? What is the role of chance in scientific discoveries?

When looking at cells, many observers had described the structure of the nucleus but never attached importance to this structure. Robert Brown (1833) was the first to describe the nucleus. Why was he the first to recognize the importance? When looking at new discoveries, how do you decide what is important? What is the role […]