Which of the above theories do you believe best addresses a lifelong perspective of development? Why?

W1 Assignment 1: Exploring Theoretical Foundations Theory Comparison Worksheet Choose three Developmental Theories from the provided list. Fill in the information that is pertinent to the question or statement in the column to the left as it pertains to the theory you have chosen and listed above. Be sure to address all 3 theories. Refer […]

Discuss how nature and nurture interact to shape at least TWO of your own behaviours or abilities

PART 1 One of the core themes of this course is the importance of both nature (biological bases and genetic inheritance) and nurture (environment, learning, experiences) for many psychological processes. Discuss how nature and nurture interact to shape at least TWO of your own behaviours or abilities (or an example from someone in the media) […]

What are the most important factors in determining how a child turns out as an adult?

Personal Essay What are the most important factors in determining how a child turns out as an adult? How do children’s minds grow and change over time? What is the role of teachers in helping children build a brain? How do children and/or adolescents come to a sense of who they are? What roles do […]

What kind of parent do you hope you will be and how do you hope to “nurture” your child’s development?

A “Caregiver Letter.” This is a letter that will show your understanding of the concepts tied to parenting from the Development chapter: choose an “ideal age” to become a parent. Write a letter to your first child that demonstrates empathy for what it is like to watch a child develop. What kind of parent do […]

How does this specific disorder affect a person in the personal, occupational-social functioning?

Psychological Disorder Research Assignment Define the disorder—describe what it is and explain. Report regarding the possibilities of getting this disorder—is it nature? Or nurture? How does this specific disorder affect a person in the personal, occupational and/or social functioning? Describe what the diagnostic criteria associated with this disorder are according to the Diagnostic and Statistical […]