Explain its importance to Greek culture and its importance to the story.

The Odyssey themes Homer: The Odyssey Important themes in The Oefresg include the following: 1. Hubris. 2. Trickery. 3. Hospitality. 4. Divine intervention. 5. Loyalty. 6. Perseverance. Your assignment is to select one of these themes and to write a well argued, and formulated essay. You should: 1. Identify and explain the theme that you […]

How do you think the two works are shaped by the time they are written in? Why do they still speak to us today in 2021?

Module 2: Reading Quiz 2 After reading The Odyssey and the Greek play you chose, compare and contrast the two works. Use the following guidelines to help you compose your answer: – What are at least three similarities between the two readings? – What are at least three differences between the two readings? – These […]

What roles do the women play in the development of Odysseus’ character during his journey? How are women portrayed in the Odyssey, Oedipus and Nights?

The Odysseus Homer, Oedipus The king and Nights How do female characters (Penelope, Circe, Calypso, Athena, the Sirens) help and hurt Odysseus’ homecoming? What roles do the women play in the development of Odysseus’ character during his journey? How are women portrayed in the Odyssey, Oedipus and Nights?

What are the consequences of such “blindness” to reality-How can this impediment be remedied, if at all?

One of the most pervasive themes in Western Literature is that of blindness vs sight as a spiritual or moral allegory. Characters or figures in literature are often unable to see clearly because of some moral failure (what we Christians call sin) that impedes not physical sight, but their capacity for “seeing” reality as it […]

How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey?

Circe – Madeline Miller Give a review of the novel Circe, by Madeline Miller. Use two sources, one being the book itself and the second the poem, The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson. touch on the below points: 1. How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey? 2. If Miller changes materials regarding […]

Write an essay of 1500 to 2000 words in which you analyze how The Odyssey develops this theme.

The Odyssey Analysis You will pick a theme and write an essay of 1500 to 2000 words in which you analyze how The Odyssey develops this theme. Your essay should address the following questions: 1) How does the text establish its central theme? 2) How do the main events of the narrative develop this theme? […]

What obstacles does Odysseus face in this episode? What challenges must he overcome? What is lost and what is gained in this episode?

  What is the most important lesson or item of information learned in this episode? (This could be something Odysseus learns, or it could be something you and other careful readers will learn.) Paragraph or Part 1: What obstacles does Odysseus face in this episode? What challenges must he overcome? What is lost and what […]