Discuss on female and diverse inmates or offenders with mental health issues.Include:Issues related to possible causes of mental illness in female inmates or offenders, Specialized treatment interventions for female inmates or offenders with mental illness, Special concerns for veteran, and geriatric female inmates or offenders.

Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on female and diverse inmates or offenders with mental health issues. Include the following: Issues related to possible causes of mental illness in female inmates or offenders, Specialized treatment interventions for female inmates or offenders with mental illness, Special concerns for veteran, and geriatric female inmates or […]

Explain What are some major challenges for offenders reentering the community from criminal sanctions? What role can prison programs play?

Description To help you approach your readings for this week, you were given several reading questions. In this discussion, you’ll choose one of those questions, and address how it is answered throughout the readings for the lesson. As you answer, be sure to cite the readings and authors as you address the question. To complete […]

Explain Using what you know about hate crime offenders’ mentality from today’s lecture and readings, why might an individual target a physically or mentally disabled individual specifically? What hypotheses might you have about the offender and his/her/their motivation?

Using what you know about hate crime offenders’ mentality from today’s lecture and readings, why might an individual target a physically or mentally disabled individual specifically? What hypotheses might you have about the offender and his/her/their motivation?

Describe the arguments for this “carrots rather than sticks” approach and explain why or why not you believe it is a good practice.

Discussion: Some states have passed laws that offer offenders on probation or parole early discharge or other benefits if they comply with the conditions of their supervision. Describe the arguments for this “carrots rather than sticks” approach and explain why or why not you believe it is a good practice. Please read the discussion topic […]