What are the main points of discussion on differences-How do these discussions affect the research design and process?

What are the Main Methodological Distinctions and Controversies in Sociological Research? The primary purpose of research conducted in social sciences, in general, is to reach valid and reliable information about social facts and events. As a social science, sociology aims to deal with the form, internal dynamics, and interaction of social phenomena and events using […]

Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

Person Centered Care – knowledge development and methodology a) A clearly stated question, and purpose statement for the work. Include a brief background discussion of what drew you to this question/issue, it’s relevance and significance to current nursing practice and/or the nursing profession. b. Define the epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical tenants that guide […]

Choose 2 paradigms/theoretical perspectives (positivism & interpretivism) and compare and contrast the ontological and epistemological positions with which they are most commonly associated.

Part A (800 words) – Choose 2 paradigms/theoretical perspectives (positivism & interpretivism) and compare and contrast the ontological and epistemological positions with which they are most commonly associated. Part B (600 words) – Select one of the paradigms (positivism) you wrote in Part A and critically examine the position of this paradigm within recent educational […]

Explain the relationship of that underpinning philosophy and the chosen aspect you want to highlight in your nursing story.

Application Paper #1 GuidelinesPhilosophy provides the perspective on what is important to know, what is truth, and how knowledge is obtained. Think about your view of truth. Is there only one truth or are there multiple truths? This paper is a discussion about the choice of one philosophical underpinning (see below), and how it relates […]