Discuss user-defined and attribute-defined specializations, and identify the differences between the two.

The Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) Model 4.1. What is a subclass? When is a subclass needed in data modeling? 4.2. Define the following terms: superclass of a subclass, superclass/subclass relationship, IS-A relationship, specialization, generalization, category, specific (local) attributes, and specific relationships. 4.3. Discuss the mechanism of attribute/relationship inheritance. Why is it useful? 4.4. Discuss user-defined […]

Provide Critically analysis of the journal article, addressing the research aim. Research methods, were they effective or will the paper been better with other types of methodology. Show an understanding of ontology and epistemology.

Description Provide Critically analysis of the journal article, addressing the research aim. Research methods, were they effective or will the paper been better with other types of methodology. Show an understanding of ontology and epistemology. Is there any ethics issue within the paper. Provide details of the data analysis, describe how this was collected, does […]