Can you write a grant covering the creating a self-help group for North Carolina on education and prevention including the budget for expenses.

Can you write a grant covering the creating a self-help group for North Carolina on education and prevention including the budget for expenses. Include the information needed and expenses to have the group once a week. Below is the action plan for the Opioid and Substance abuse

Who is affected by this problem-What is the morbidity, mortality, and demographics?

issue of opioid addiction Describe the public health issue of opioid addiction. You may focus on the issue from a city, state or national perspective. Based on your research findings, what did you find most problematic about the issue of opioid addiction? Who is affected by this problem? What is the morbidity, mortality, and demographics? […]

What are the moral/biblical implications of using this substance?

Case Study: Opiates Watch the four-part video series, Poisoned: America’s Fentanyl Crisis in the Learn Section of Module 3: Week 3. After watching the video series, discus the following issues and public health and education prompts. The Issues Summarize the issue of Opioid Addiction What are the health implications for using this substance? What are […]

What are opioids? What’s the general mechanism of action of opioids? What are the use & benefits of opioids?Discuss

What are opioids? What’s the general mechanism of action of opioids? What are the use & benefits of opioids? Disadvantages of opioids/ side effects? nausea, vomiting, constipation, pruritus, dizziness, dry mouth and sedation. Side effects are extremely common with opioid therapy. Explain the importance of opioid auditing?

Compare the below National Data with the NYC Area. Does the NYC Region have a higher or lower rate of Opioid Deaths?

Which County has the highest Rate of Opioid Deaths in the NYC Area? (Calculate the rates per 100,000). (write 150 words) I have attached the opioid deaths in NYC, it’s an excel sheet Compare the below National Data with the NYC Area. Does the NYC Region have a higher or lower rate of Opioid Deaths? […]