Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements

Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health and social care or children and young people’s settings 1.1 Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting 1.2 Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting […]

Identify a range of at least four different tools and techniques for setting team performance targets.

Assignment Question Identify a range of at least four different tools and techniques for setting team performance targets. Evaluate these by comparing and contrasting them, using a table format if preferred, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are […]

What organisational controls do you think were lacking in the old GM?

The video case is available on: Questions: Is GM’s organisational structure aligned with its strategies? If so, why? If not, what is needed? What organisational controls do you think were lacking in the old GM? What organisational controls are needed in the new GM? What specific strategic controls do you believe are key to GM’s […]

What are the key limitations of culture management as a mode of control in the workplace?

Management and organizational theory 1. What are the key elements of bureaucracy? Describe the main moral and practical criticisms of bureaucracy as an organisational form. 2. “Power is more powerful when it appears to be absent”. Drawing on theories of power, discuss what is meant by this statement and how far you agree with it. […]

How will workplace changes for the post-lockdown business environment tackle the new business challenges, and create more resilient businesses in future?

“How do organisational beliefs, attitudes, and value systems affect workplace behaviour? How will workplace changes for the post-lockdown business environment tackle the new business challenges, and create more resilient businesses in future?”

What channels, methods and resources must be orchestrated to communicate this change creatively?

Personal project challenge Change is the only constant. Take an existing organisation and write the brief that enables it to pivot. In the commercial world being able to explain your thinking in simple communications is critical to growth, attraction of clients and survival in an ever changing business environment. You are required to find an […]

What supporting functions are linked to this operation management practice and evaluate how can they assist with ensuring organisational success?

Operations and Service Management Select an organisation and apply all four of the questions below. Ensure work is supported with evidence from research (academic theory and company research) A brief introduction and conclusion is also required which is included in the word count. Word count is 2,500 1. Identify one operation management practice within a […]

Discuss the dilemmas inherent in strategy development and change management (Social/Behavioural)

Sustainability and Transformational Leadership The following Learning Outcomes are demonstrated via this assessment Knowledge Discuss an organisation’s sustainability and leadership practices. Critically discuss the dilemmas inherent in integrating ethics and social responsibility into organisational strategy Critically evaluate different models/theories and perspectives on leadership and the management of change Discuss the dilemmas inherent in strategy development and change management […]

Outlining reasons why you believe this field-specific strategy will address a clearly specified area for improvement.

Using distraction methods as effective pain management for paediatric oncology patients experiencing procedural pain. provide an evidence-based rationale for a Patient Service Innovation,outlining reasons why you believe this field-specific strategy will address a clearly specified area for improvement.This will include a chosen strategy for change, and refer to key theories and frameworks regarding leadership and […]