Critically evaluate the relationship between organisational behaviour and management practice.

The assignment — module learning outcomes • Demonstrate a critical understanding of OB … particularly distinguishing between managerial/critical perspectives. 4 Rational decision making vs. alternative • Critically evaluate the relationship between organisational behaviour and management practice. 4 Rhetoric vs. reality • Demonstrate an ability to examine the implications of different perspectives and empirical contributions for […]

Identify the individual and organisational consequences produced/might be produced by the decisions.

Report content Your report should address the following questions. o What are the key decisions? o How have/could the decisions be made? o What consequences might these decisions produce? o How to improve decision making and prevent these consequences? Report structure o Introduction approx. 150 words Identify key organisational decisions that you intend to analyse […]

Explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence organisational policies relating to inclusive practice

6.2.1 Summarise policy and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice 6.2.2 Explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence organisational policies relating to inclusive practice 6.2.3 Explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence your own inclusive practice The student should complete an essay on policies and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice. They should discuss how […]

Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees

Description Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees: Permanent full-time contracts Permanent part-time contracts. ‘Zero-hours’ casual contracts. ‘Fixed-term’ temporary contracts You should present two clear examples of practice from a range of any organisations of your choice to […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the organisational context that informs practice with people who are ageing and/or have a disability

Assignment Task Apply a strengths-based and person-centred approach and develop a plan to support the family in the case study (case study attached in uploaded documents). Task Description • Discuss, in your answer which models and theoretical perspective you will utilise to develop the plan. • In your plan describe the service delivery models for […]

Determine two options or alternatives which may be selected to support the project aims. Justify why these two options are suitable from synthesising the data and information obtained.

Task 1: Create a project proposal document which aims to contribute to an organisational strategic objective. The proposal should include as a minimum:- a. Determination of a topic of investigation with justification for its contribution to strategic objective(s) b. Discussion of the aim, scope and objectives for the project with justification c. Develop a suitable […]

Critically appraise the above statement in relation to changing ideas of strategic thinking and explain how it exists within YOUR company’s(ACCENTURE Technology Ltd) approach to strategic management.

Task: “Systems thinking essentially seeks to understand phenomena as a whole formed by the interaction of parts.” (Stacey, 2011) Critically appraise the above statement in relation to changing ideas of strategic thinking and explain how it exists within YOUR company’s(ACCENTURE Technology Ltd) approach to strategic management. 1. Critical essay mus include: 2. Approaches to Strategic […]