Is there a place where the law can ethically draw a line between life as property and life beyond the right of any person or business to own or appropriate?

BUS WK2 1) Identify the 5 requirements for a patent. 2) Then further discuss: Should a company be allowed to patent a life form? 3)Does it matter if the life form is a non-sentient organism like a plant? 4)Is there a place where the law can ethically draw a line between life as property and […]

What is the current treatment plan for the infections caused by the organism and the treatment success rate?

Use the template below and answer the following questions: Where the organism is normally found and how is it spread? What are the virulence factors of the organism? What are the symptoms and incubation period of the infection caused by the organism? How would you diagnose an infection caused by the organism? Describe how the […]

Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class).Describe the organism (biologically)?

Human Biology Writing Assignment Infectious diseases   Start: 1. Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class). 2. Find and read 3 scientific peer-reviewed (watch Dr. Betty Galbraith’s presentation) journal articles related to the disease. 3. Use the information in your articles to […]

Choose a trait or traits that you would like to HAVE as your own and tell why you would want that trait. You may choose more than one but make sure you explain WHY???

Description You are to select another organism(s) that you would like to be and tell what about that organism you admire…OR …choose a trait or traits that you would like to HAVE as your own and tell why you would want that trait. You may choose more than one but make sure you explain WHY???

Summarize What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?

Description Build on your annotated bibliography Choose articles about your organism covering topics from Chapters 12-15. For each article you must answer complete this sentence: This article relates to Chapter _____ because______. Follow guidelines found here:  (Links to an external site.) Your annotations must include a summary, assessment, and reflection of each article. • Summarize: […]

Discuss what it is, how living organisms accomplish it, why a living organism would emit light, who is doing it (examples???).

You may have heard the term “bioluminescence” used either in class or on a nature show on TV. Do a little research on the topic and write a one page discussion talking about what it is, how living organisms accomplish it, why a living organism would emit light, who is doing it (examples???).

Define apoptosis and explain why it is important for a multicellular organism to eliminate abnormal cells.

During mitosis, metaphase, the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. Explain why it is important that the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. If chromosomes do not line up correctly the cell should be eliminated by apoptosis. Define apoptosis and explain why it is important for a multicellular organism to eliminate abnormal cells.

What is the most likely reservoir for the causative organism in this case?Why draw blood twice?Discuss.

The physician asks you to draw blood and tells the patient he should return in four weeks for another blood sample.  She says there is no need to culture the wound. 1.  On the basis of the limited information above, the physician has obviously made a diagnosis.  What is it?  What does it look like […]

Does the organism play any important environmental or societal roles.Discuss.

Choose any Microbe and include the following: – Taxonomic classification – Metabolism – What environments does it inhabit? – What are its environmental tolerances? – Does the organism play any important environmental or societal roles. – Has the genome been sequenced? That might be interesting. In addition to books and general references, your paper should […]