What components of the environment provided selection pressure.

Follow the instructions below and address the following prompt: Tell us about your favorite example of an adaptation in living organisms. It can be an example in any species or group of species, and it can be in animals, plants, fungi, or bacteria. If you don’t have one, pick your favorite group of organisms (e.g. […]

Choose a current ethical issue in marine science, such as the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conditions in fish farms, or another topic your instructor approves.

The Past & Future of Marine Science Essay Considering ethical questions is part of a marine scientist’s job. Part of being ethical is doing your homework and exploring all sides of an issue. Choose a current ethical issue in marine science, such as the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conditions in fish farms, or […]

What is the odds ratio for tumors for fish in the polluted lake compared to the pristine lake?

Humans aren’t the only animals that get cancer; other organisms get tumors, as well, and their risk may be influenced by environmental factors. An ecologist decides to study whether pollution in lakes causes cancer, so he collects 100 fish from each of two lakes, one known to be polluted and the other known to be […]

How To Write Scientific Names of Organisms Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.)

Week PPT Intro The common and scientific name of your organism.See this link to help with scientific names if needed: How To Write Scientific Names of Organisms Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.) A brief discussion on why you chose your organism If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely […]

How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

Estuary Salinity Lab  Answer the following analysis questions. Which solution was above the other? Why did the solutions seperate and not mix? How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries? How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)? What types of stress does this place on the […]

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Discuss,After doing the reading and researching this ability of all living organisms, how would you explain this to another person?

topic is homeostasis. After doing the reading and researching this ability of all living organisms, how would you explain this to another person? Please give an example relating it to one of the organ systems of the body.