Discuss whether or not charisma can be developed through practice and acquired skill.

Leadership MAN4164GR4 Choose one from the topics below: “The Leadership Challenges of Today” : Prepare a paper that will seek to examine the varied traits and skills necessary to deal with these challenges. (Example: What makes a good leader, how different organizations are structured, and how behavior can best be understood). Try to examine leadership […]

Can you think of any questions you found irrelevant or inappropriate for the position in which you were interviewing?  

Recruitment and Interviewing Recruitment and Interviewing are key components of selecting the right applicant for an open position.  Most organizations utilize a structured interview verses a non-structured interview.  You are the VP of Human Resources for a 250 bed Community hospital and are instructed to recruit for an experienced Director of Quality Assurance. What forums […]

How would your training program retain key talent-What about policies and regulations to ensure compliance?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are hot topic conversations in the organizations today. DEI is not just about race and gender. After reading the required chapters and watching the below YouTube Video: That Little Voice by RBC- SpeakUpForInclusion, you are to create a PowerPoint Presentation to discuss the new DEI efforts at your organization. Recently, […]

Is the effort to create a UML diagram worth their benefit to the organization?

Computer Science Question 1.Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Processes, and Process Specifications” and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: “Processes”: What type of Business Processes exist? “Specifications”: How important is it to define the Process Specifications? “Review”: How important is it to review the Processes on a regular […]

Explain how the availability of alternative funding systems like casemix and managed care is expected to produce competitive effects throughout the health economy?

4 questions about health care economics and health insurance Discuss ways that managed care organizations may be able to reduce costs of care to their clients? Explain how the availability of alternative funding systems like casemix and managed care is expected to produce competitive effects throughout the health economy? Why do some critics argue that […]

Explain how planned change is important for organizations in today’s dynamic environment?

Organizations typically have limits to how much change they can absorb. As a manager, what signs would you look for that might suggest your organization has exceeded its capacity to change? Explain how planned change is important for organizations in today’s dynamic environment?

Do you believe that Nurses should belong to professional organizations-Why or why not?

The topic of your Research Paper assignment is the future of Nursing.answer the following questions in your paper. Do you believe that Nurses should belong to professional organizations. Why or why not? Describe what the ideal health care system of the future looks like. How do you plan to contribute to the future of Nursing […]

How did the “Robert P. Vecchio’s “Power, Politics, and Influence” help you understand power and power dynamics better, and why?

Power and Leadership Module Five discussion is based on: Chapter 13: Power and Politics Power, Politics, and Influence by Robert Vecchio Vecchio, Robert P. 2008. “Power, Politics, and Influence.” In Leadership: Understanding the Dynamics of Power and Influence in Organizations. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 69-95. Make sure that you engage the […]

Using the course materials and course concepts, discuss 3 challenges that high pressure performance evaluation and incentive systems can present for organizations and a recommendation that you would make to address each challenge.

Q1 Human Resource Writing Question Question 1 0 pts Using the course materials and course concepts, discuss 3 challenges that high pressure performance evaluation and incentive systems can present for organizations and a recommendation that you would make to address each challenge. 3 X 5 marks = 15 marks  

What data and information should you analyze and consider before you contact community leaders/members/organizations?

Question Scholarly Paper: Consider a community known to you. You wish to take initial steps to build a partnership with the community. What data and information should you analyze and consider before you contact community leaders/members/organizations? Example: Review the results of the community health assessment (CHA).As you review the CHA, ask yourself the following questions: […]