How would you provide feedback to employees during coaching sessions?

Coaching process in an organization Coaching is an important process in organizations. As explored in Chapter 9 of the textbook, there are various competencies associated with effective coaching. However, many individuals do not have the competencies to be an effective coach. In fact, researchers continue to debate about the necessary competencies needed for effective coaching. […]

What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our workforce today?

Answer the following five questions: 1. What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our workforce today? How could leadership in organizations help to minimize this ethical misconduct? Explain and support your positions with relevant course content and outside sources. 2. As our businesses have developed over the last 100 plus […]

How would each identified team help support the integration and outcomes you plan to achieve?

Module4 disscussion question Discussion Question: Considering your selected topic of deploying a new computer program in a hospital setting, what healthcare teams would be essential to help support your new project implementation? How would each identified team help support the integration and outcomes you plan to achieve? Consider aspects related to communication, collaboration and professional […]

Are certain elements of healthcare financial statements helpful for understanding current trends and analyzing the success rates of healthcare organizations?

Healthcare Finance read the reflection prompts carefully, and fully address each requirement. After watching the video below, reflect upon current trends towards consumerism in healthcare. Why are we trending this way? Is it appropriate or a mischaracterization and why? What sources of financial data are important in navigating these trends? Are certain elements of healthcare […]

How does goal setting through appreciative inquiry provocative propositions differ from goal setting in the strategic planning model you selected?

Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment 1. Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model. Introduction Evaluation of strategic choices is important. The methods for selecting strategic alternatives help leaders organize […]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization?

Private, nongovernmental healthcare organizations may be either for profit (FP) or not for profit (NFP). Discuss the difference between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. What happens if an NFP organization makes a profit? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization? Describe two specific examples of how risk management has influenced nursing documentation. […]

Discuss how the principles shared in the video might facilitate a successful change project.

Watch the following video and then discuss the related questions that follow: It Starts With One: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations—26:25 minutes 1- Do you agree that organization change begins with the individual not the organization? Why or why not? 2- Which barrier discussed in the video resonated with your experience of change management the most? […]

what way can healthcare marketing be used which “cross the line” and offer outcomes, assurances and/or guarantees?

Healthcare organizations use various methods to collect and report data when conducting market research. Organizations need to establish ethical standards for the research process, from how this data is collected to who it is when they collect it and how they report it. For this discussion, you examine ethics in market research and recommend strategies […]

would you recommend contracting education to private organizations (outsourcing) be implemented in a low-income country and why?

Policy Brief 2 The policy brief should be between one and two pages ( read the article posted on Canvas related to outsourcing education in low- and middle- income countries and the following article: is-up-for-sale Using these two sources (or any others brought up in lecture), write a policy brief that states your position […]

Describe the ERP system(s) found in your organization-How could it be improved?

. Why is SCM important to healthcare organizations? List some inventory items found in your organization. Which of these might be classified as A, B, or C items? Why? How would you manage these items differently depending on their classification? Think of an item for which your organization carries SS. Why is SS needed for […]