Does a company policy override a local, state, or federal law or does a local, state, or federal law override a company policy?

Within the Discussion Board area, write at least 350-550 words that will respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas: Organizations must abide by federal, state, and local laws and […]

Discuss the entities that are currently mandating knowledge-based healthcare delivery.

Discuss the entities that are currently mandating knowledge-based healthcare delivery. Describe why these organizations have influence on healthcare. Ensuring Mandated Care is Delivered- Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations. Length: 15-17 slides; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner  

Why do some organizations fail but become stronger while others fail to recover?

Sometimes things go wrong and it’s not always a bad thing. Define and discuss the concept of productive failure. Discuss a time in your organization’s history (or an organization you are familiar with) when a change process failed. Explain the situation and what was learned in the process. Why do some organizations fail but become […]

Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.

Evaluate the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce. Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society. Critique the actions of organizations as they integrate diverse perspectives into their cultures. Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations. Attribute different cultural perspectives to current social-cultural […]

How does the organization maintain a balance between personal and professional accountability and ensure the central focus is the needs of the patient/community?

Ethical conduct and Commitment to Transparency and Accountability Within CHS It is not uncommon for healthcare organizations to restructure, reorganize, or change ownership on a somewhat frequent basis. As the business of healthcare is ever-changing, many organizations must change to meet the demands of the industry, the patients they serve, and the professionals that serve […]

How would you manage these items differently depending on their classification?

Why is SCM important to healthcare organizations? List some inventory items found in your organization. Which of these might be classified as A, B, or C items? Why? How would you manage these items differently depending on their classification? Think of an item for which your organization carries SS. Why is SS needed for this […]

What are some of the drivers behind such errors and what operational decisions can hospitals take to avoid them?

MedRec is a blockchain-based EHR solution ( designed to overcome some of the limitations of current EHR systems. Read through the MedRec documentation and compare it with current EHR solutions on aspects like interoperability, data security, and data ownership. A blockchain solution requires consensus among different participating organizations on data structures, data security, and […]

Which of the concepts learned in this course align with the certification exam items?

WEEK8 NR-531 In week 1, you introduced yourself to the class and shared your goal(goals) related to your plans in nursing administration. Reflect here on two or three concepts learned in this course (Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations) that will help you achieve your goal. Which of the concepts learned in this course align with […]

Identify and analyse role of communities of practice in knowledge management and the challenges and issues pertaining to community of practice.

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations. Chapter 6.  Strategy Formation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy Textbook: Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2014). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: […]

Do you think there is significance and a need for nonprofits engaging in social justice?

Read Chapter 3 – Past and Present Issues with Nonprofit Organizations, pages 23 – 34 in eBook Nonprofit Management: A Social Justice Approach. The authors highlight significance of social justice in historical and modern missions of nonprofit organizations. Do you think there is significance and a need for nonprofits engaging in social justice? Why or […]