Write evidence supports the concept that well fiscally managed healthcare organizations deliver better healthcare to patients then organizations that do not.

HCAD 640 WK5-D5 Organizational Costing & Profit Analysis Managing a healthcare organization through revenue generation and cost control is beneficial for the sustainability of the organization. “There is a statistically significant relationship between hospital financial performance and quality of care (Dong, G.N., 2015).” Evidence supports the concept that well fiscally managed healthcare organizations deliver better […]

What steps should an organization take to design a supply chain network-What are the key internal departments and external organizations that should be involved?

Identify and describe three current trends in operations management. How do you think they will change the future of OM? (225 words, or 3 paragraphs) What steps should an organization take to design a supply chain network? What are the key internal departments and external organizations that should be involved? What are their roles? (150–225 […]

Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career

Belief of caring in nursing Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment: caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations) Explain your belief of caring in nursing (self, nursing, environment, and profession) Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during […]

What would create and promote strong moral values and ethical behavior in public administration-What is the significance of ethics and transparency in government?

The Significance of an Ethical Foundation in Public Administration The present proposal for the MPA698S requirement aims to identify the elements of effective ethics and ethics programs in public sector organizations and human resource practices for successful program implementation. What would create a solid foundation in creating trust in government and within government? What would […]

What steps can law enforcement organizations take to reduce the incidence of excessive force?

Ethics 3 As previously mentioned, police officers and other law enforcement professionals are afforded the ability to exercise significant discretion when performing their day to day duties. Unfortunately, misuse of discretion can lead to abuses. One type of discretionary abuse involves excessive use of force. For additional information regarding this matter, see: http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=96509. Discuss the […]

Why might this be an important concept for HRM professionals introducing new technology?

Post three different discussions with APA references Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) is a valuable tool to help organizations assess the probability of process change. Why might this be an important concept for HRM professionals introducing new technology? How might you apply the BPR process to an HRM office that currently only has an employee database […]

How has having access to digital technology positively contributed to increasing employment?

Technology Now that you have been introduced to the many concepts that technology affects the world, it is now your turn to demonstrate your knowledge of the way digital sociology is involved in the employment industry. Using material from the lecture as well as additional resources, and in 3-5 pages do the following: How has […]

What institutions or businesses in your community are involved in the area of health care-What goods and services do they provide?

Discussion thread: Community Observation Take a look at your community by walking or driving around it. After that, answer the following: What makes it a community? What do you think defines it or distinguishes it? From your visual survey of the community, what do you perceive as the major health-related problems in your community? From […]

Describe the HR of the future as you envision it. In what ways will HR professionals make a meaningful and positive impact on the organizations they serve?

D8: The Future of HR Human resources is a much different profession today than it was just 10 or 20 years ago. Back then, it was known simply as “personnel.” Today, HR is a dynamic and forward-thinking profession. With this in mind, consider the future of HR. What additional differences do you see when you […]