Do you feel that most organizations or departments rush too quickly to act rather than study what is proposed and re-evaluate the plan?

Important that time is taken in the Do and Study phases of the cycle to make changes. Do you feel that most organizations or departments rush too quickly to act rather than study what is proposed and re-evaluate the plan? Topic of Discussion was: Ineffective communication is a gap in nursing that occurs due to […]

What, exactly, is okay to post on social media about work, and what will get you fired?

Employee Rights and Responsibilities The day she started her new job at a daycare center, Kaitlin Wells posted on social media, “just really hate being around kids all day.” Twenty-seven hours later, she was unemployed again. Laws protect an employee from being fired for voicing their political beliefs, assembling with other employees to protest or […]

What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues-How is this issue addressed in your practice setting?

Week 7 A new concept for some organizations is to allow nurses to bring in their own devices known as bring your own devices (BYOD) to use at work. What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues? How is this issue addressed in […]

What roles have you played in change initiatives at work, either as a leader or as a team member, during the last 18 months?

The Challenge of Change Welcome to the course. Introduce yourself to your classmates and professor and answer the following questions: The impact of recent events has forced change on organizations around the world. What have these events taught you about the importance of resilience and agility in creating a sustainable competitive advantage? What roles have […]

What major trends and developments are retailers facing-How do these developments impact their competitive strategies?

Retailing and wholesaling consist of many organizations bringing goods and services from the point of production to the point of use. We will examine the nature and importance of retailing, the major types of retailers, the decisions retailers make, and the future of retailing. We will also examine these same topics for wholesaling Answer the […]

What is leadership?-What are different perspectives of leadership-What perspectives would facilitate the work of health and human services organizations-What is management?

Discussion post 1. As a health and human sciences professional, how in the future will you engage in leadership, management, and/or collaboration? Group and/or teamwork? How can you improve your skills in these areas? What impact will these skills have on you? Others in the workplace? Clients or patients under your care? 2. What is […]

Describe the health care providers’ reactions to Value-Based Purchasing Programs.

Pay for performance The U.S. healthcare system has been criticized for high-cost, inefficacy, and issues on quality. P4P is an approach used to provide incentives to physicians and health care provider organizations to achieve improved performance by increasing quality of care and reducing costs. Write a three- to five-page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference […]

Why should a healthcare organization attempt to determine competitors’ strategies and likely strategic responses?

Answer each question SEPARATELY with one source: QUESTION 1)The process of service area competitor analysis is listed in Exhibit 3-1, page 82 of Strategic management of healthcare organizations. Using this as a foundation, discuss why healthcare organizations should engage in competitor analysis and provide a rationale to support your discussion. QUESTION 2)Why should a healthcare […]

What is the definition of power in an organizational setting-What are different types of power in organizations?

The topic of POWER Power is an important aspect of careers and professional progress. What is the definition of power in an organizational setting? What are different types of power in organizations? Name ONE kind of power it is (very) difficult for women to acquire. Why? Name ONE kind of power it is (very) easy […]

What are the roles each of the organization’s stakeholders play in the selection and acquisition process? Describe them.

Implementation vs. Justification 5 Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following questions: • What is the justification for selecting an information system? Describe it. • How does the organization’s goals drive the selection of an information system? • What are the roles each of the organization’s stakeholders play in the […]