Explain your recommendations related to technological and logistical changes to an organization’s HIM system (1–2 pages).

Health Information Improvement Proposal Scenario You have been asked to create a proposal for improving data collection and analysis based on the current EHR at Independence Medical center and the recommendations you already made during your work. Despite being meaningful use certified, the leadership team feels that the organization needs to make better use of […]

Discuss the two reasons that support the importance of provider involvement in revenue cycle management.

Revenue Cycle Management One hot topic in many healthcare organizations today is revenue cycle management. We typically do not get paid when services are rendered, nor do we get the full cost of providing that care. As a result, we incur costs for facilities, supplies, and labor that must be covered. The ultimate goal of […]

Describe how the data were collected by the organization that published it.

Multiple-choice and/or true/false questions. Q1 – February 1; Q2 – March 3; Q3 – April 4 Analytical research paper An exciting component of this course is writing up an analytical research paper based on secondary data. Many organizations collect data for research or administrative purposes. Many of these datasets are available on the internet. Use […]

Define the importance of purchasing-supply management-how this relates to selecting a qualified supplier.

Research Paper Focus of the Research Paper Use at least one project you have been a team member of, or a project manager for, as an example to contextualize the research topics below: All of the following topics must be addressed in order for the paper to be complete: Define the importance of purchasing and […]

Provide analysis of what the root cause of the company/enterprise’s problem

Case Study: Eco-Jet Airlines https://clutejournals.com/index.php/JBCS/article/view/4734/4823 Section One – Problem Statement: Provide an introduction to the case study selected for the final assignment due in Week 8. Provide a detailed background of the subject company or enterprise. Provide a description of the problem situation in which the subject company or enterprise finds itself. Provide sufficient detail […]

Discuss the advantages of having a qualified project manager manage an organization’s information security project.

You will be evaluated on how well you comply with each requirement. This assignment should take not less than 4 (four) pages. Include the selected question(s) with the completed answer. 1. Research and write a (2) two page paper about various elements of the outsourcing process—RFP, evaluation, contract award, and exit strategies. Fully explain each […]

What is the difference between the different project management organizations’ frameworks?

What is the Difference? 3.2 Review five (5) academic sources relating to project management. Consider the perspective and reflect upon their inference of the following topics:1. What is the difference between Project, Program and Portfolio Management?2. What is the difference between the different project management organizations?3. What is the difference between the different project management […]

Discuss what you see are the reasons for-against using management practices in the diagnosis of organizations.

Discuss what you see are the reasons for and against using management practices in the diagnosis of organizations. Given the diagnostic methods and practices in use today, what would you recommend be done differently in the future to evolve and improve the discipline of organizational diagnosis?