Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Strategizing and Creating Change Discussion Prompt Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative. Suggested organizations include (but are not limited to): American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) […]

What are the most important items to remember to include in your forecasting with your business plan and why?

Discussion Think about the steps in the budgeting process. What are the most important items to remember to include in your forecasting with your business plan and why? Nowicki, M. (2022). Introduction to the financial management of Healthcare Organizations. Health Administration Press.

Identify how organizations can use supply chains to compete in terms of time, cost, quality, and sustainability.

MGT322- Logistic Management 2.1 Learning Outcomes: Identify and explain logistics definitions and concepts that are relevant to managing the supply chain. Identify how organizations can use supply chains to compete in terms of time, cost, quality, and sustainability. Explain how supply chains are structured. 2.2 Action Required: Watch the short video at the following link […]

Why background checks are more important for hiring staff for healthcare facilities than the ordinary business organizations?

Discussion post Watch the “Google” video posted in this week’s folder before participation in the discussion forum. Based on viewing the video, comment on the benefits offered by Google to its employees and explain what impact those benefits have on employees’ morale, productivity, and retention. What, if any, of these benefits would appeal to […]

Identify two similar international organizations from two different countries/cultures and explain why these two organizations were selected.

International Human Resources Management 1. Identify two similar international organizations from two different countries/cultures and explain why these two organizations were selected. 2. Tabularize and differentiate the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE analyses of these two identified organizations on four dimensions of IHRM practices (e.g., job design, recruitment strategy, selection strategy, diversity, labour law, leadership branding, marketing […]

What strategies are being implemented in both countries to deal with this issue/problem?

Teen obesity in America vs Nauru You will need to determine the following components for the Lifespan assignment: 1. Identify a health/wellness related issue that is pertinent to your experience and interest a. Provide rationale for why this topic is of interest to you 2. Discuss the issue by following a lifespan path of development […]

What are stakeholders and why do they matter?

2.4 Stakeholders Self-reflection is an integral part of the process that allows you, the decision-maker, to be thoughtful in the approaches used in making decisions. Take a few minutes to reflect on the following, and connect your thoughts to ethics, the workplace, and organizations. Question What are stakeholders and why do they matter?

Discuss the similarities and differences of our behaviors inside and outside of organizations in terms of culture, personality, and perception?

Discussion Post The culture that we live in defines us as individuals, and this is also true about the organizations we have dealings with either through work or personal relationships. Taking this into consideration, discuss the similarities and differences of our behaviors inside and outside of organizations in terms of culture, personality, and perception?

Discuss at least two factors that would facilitate the development of the walkways.

In the chapter, “How Community-Based Organizations Are Addressing Nursing’s Role in Transforming Health Care,” the authors describe the community as the focus of advocacy action for change. They list a series of questions that help community teams develop organizing principles to guide their interventions, and the aim is to attack social determinants of health to […]

Develop a table describing the applications in details with respect to their use in healthcare organizations

Week 1: HIT Applications Course Objective for Assignment: Evaluate technology solutions in the health care industry to improve the quality of care, safety, and financial management decisions In this assignment you would conduct the Internet search and list five (5) health information technology applications and their functions. Develop a table describing the applications in details […]