What does “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” tell us about the way myths are formed?

1) What does William Blake think of the English society of his time? Your essay may include commentary on his attitude to religion, government, racism, the burgeoning industrial age, and/or anything else you consider relevant. 2) Discuss the political implications of Shelley’s “Ozymandias.” 3) In “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” Hawthorne reveals what he thinks about the role […]

Analyze symbolism in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

Introduction to Poetry Assignment Students are to write an analysis of a selected poem, chosen from the following. The papers are to be five paragraphs, approximately 750 words, and are to be written in MLA format. Choose from one of the following: 1. Analyze the role of the speaker in “The Unknown Citizen” or “The […]

Develop your response into an essay.Use “Ozymandias” or “On Chapman’s Honor”

For your final essay, I would like for you to develop your response into an essay. You will be using whichever poem, “Ozymandias” or “On Chapman’s Honor” for this essay. This essay will be two to three pages (500 words). You may use your two sources from the journal entry for the paper. The paper […]

Compare and contrast the concept of death in John Donne’s [Death be not Proud], and Percy Shelly’s “Ozymandias.” Both seem to address the concept of physical life and what lies beyond, but both do so in very different ways. Where do these two poems agree and disagree? What meaning can you determine from the different ways in which these two poems consider the same subject

1) Compare and contrast the concept of death in John Donne’s [Death be not Proud], and Percy Shelly’s “Ozymandias.” Both seem to address the concept of physical life and what lies beyond, but both do so in very different ways. Where do these two poems agree and disagree? What meaning can you determine from the […]