Describe how the packaging of those products has changed over time, and what effect or impact those changes have had on your satisfaction with the product. Discuss the environmental outcomes the changes have caused, positive or negative.

Description This journal entry is all about packaging. Respond to the topics below in a 300-500 word narrative. Identify two household products you have used over the years. Describe how the packaging of those products has changed over time, and what effect or impact those changes have had on your satisfaction with the product. Discuss […]

Describe the appropriate packaging for this type of item and procedures that should have been conducted back at the lab on receipt of the evidence?

You have just obtained an item of evidence from the evidence locker. The brown paper package with intact evidence seals appears soggy at one end and there is a strong odor associated with it. On opening the evidence bag you see what appears to be a blood soaked item of clothing that has been wrapped […]

  How would your packaging and pricing differ if you knew the price elasticity is 1.3, and how would this impact your pricing decision?

Explain your pricing system, your final price you would offer, and how you determined that price.  How would your packaging and pricing differ if you knew the price elasticity is 1.3, and how would this impact your pricing decision? b: Based on the location of the hotel, if the hotel was to expand its services and […]