Compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain.

  In your paper, compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain. You must reference specific scenes from the film as evidence, in addition to thorough descriptions and interpretations of the paintings. You should further comment on how the artist’s work influenced the film’s […]

Watch the two videos showing Kazuo Shiraga and Jackson Pollock at work on their paintings, then write a 300-word response comparing their approaches.

Description Watch the two videos showing Kazuo Shiraga and Jackson Pollock at work on their paintings, then write a 300-word response comparing their approaches. Make sure to describe each artist’s approach, and then compare the similarity and differences.

How does the physical positioning of the black female figure contribute to the role of the black figure in painting and European society at the time?

Description Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, Bathsheba at her Toilet, 1594. Courtesy of Rijksmuseum AFTER reading “The Overlooked Role of Black Women in Renaissance Paintings, ” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Number each of your answers in accordance to the question. Answer in your own words and use quotes from the article when […]

Compare and contrast these paintings in order mention similarities, differences, impacts.. 1) Egon Schiele, Hands on chest & Alice Neel, Andy warhol 2) Alice Neel, Andy warhol & Tetsuya Ishida, Cargo Ni 3) Tetsuya Ishida, Cargo Ni & Egon Schiele, Hands on chest

Compare and contrast these paintings in order mention similarities, differences, impacts.. 1) Egon Schiele, Hands on chest & Alice Neel, Andy warhol 2) Alice Neel, Andy warhol & Tetsuya Ishida, Cargo Ni 3) Tetsuya Ishida, Cargo Ni & Egon Schiele, Hands on chest