what does it tell us about human cognitive abilities and/or social organization in the Paleolithic?

grade required: A What do you consider to be the earliest “art”? Why? What was it “for”/what did it “do”? Given this function, what does it tell us about human cognitive abilities and/or social organization in the Paleolithic? approximately 400 word response Be certain to make clear reference to the video and reading as well […]

Describe the archaeological evidence related to the city you have selected.

RXRS-201 Alternative Assignment – Remote Antiquity Learning Objective Use course content to evaluate key aspects of early civilization and drug use in the historical context and summarize those findings. Assignment Description Select one of the cities from the remote antiquity list below. Review the class notes related to the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages of human […]

What are the differences between paleolithic and neolithic technologies and why do historians and archaeologists think that life was harder after the paleolithic societies transitioned to neolithic societies?

Subject: Other Topic: Tech History week 2 assign1 Paper details: Discussion question: What are the differences between paleolithic and neolithic technologies and why do historians and archaeologists think that life was harder after the paleolithic societies transitioned to neolithic societies? Post at least 200 words in response to the topic questions provided, discussing the history […]