Did your emotions cause you to behave differently that if you had not experienced those emotions?

Select a situation issue that occur at the present time in your life, to be the focus of your attention for this paper . It should be a situation or issue that arouses some emotions in you, or that other people might expect would have emotions implications. Think about the situation, identify the emotions that […]

Mention the topic that you are selecting out of the 2 given choices, and also explain your reason/ interest in that particular topic.

Research topics need to be approved as a one-page research proposal before you write your research paper. You should clearly mention the topic that you are selecting out of the 2 given choices, and also explain your reason/ interest in that particular topic. Try to include which particular aspects you plan to cover in your […]

Describe in 500-700 words, the various ways in which Japan became both more “democratic”

Paper Prompt: Describe (in 500-700) words, the various ways in which Japan became both more “democratic” and more repressive during the Taishō period, and then the gradual escalation of Japanese militarism and ultranationalism from 1930 to 1945. Make sure you touch upon political, economic, and cultural aspects, the relationship between these, and Japan’s relations to […]