How has false science been used throughout history as a weapon to diminish the rights of humans?

Notebook Entry: Diversity and Equity in Science Education Consider this quote from the resources:“Science was born out of whiteness.” What does this mean? 2. How has false science been used throughout history as a weapon to diminish the rights ofhumans? 3. Describe “the diversity paradox.” 4. Why does representation in science and science education matter? […]

What are the problems that the policy is supposed to fix-What are the solutions that fix those problems?

Policy Solutions Paper Guidelines The purpose of this paper is to identify how a policy is meant to solve a problem. Write as if you are explaining to measure and evaluate the policy. You will need to use a policy that is already in effect, preferably by a government agency. What are the problems that […]

What do you think are the biggest barriers to making intelligent decisions? List 3 barriers and explain why.

Write a paragraph answering question 1(a, b & c) Write one paragraph on question 2 list 3 barrier and explain why. 1. Introduce yourself to the class. Make sure your answers include the following elements: a. Who you are and what you do? b. A fun fact about yourself? c. What is your expectation from […]

Describe your reasoning process in taking or not taking action.

Minimum 2,000 words) (70 Marks) A. Your Ethical Dilemma. 1: Describe an ethical dilemma that you recently experienced. Be detailed: What was the situation? Who did it involve? Why? What happened? What did you do? What did you not do? Describe your reasoning process in taking or not taking action. What did others do to […]

What evidence does Morgan provide that proves his point?

There were a lot of obvious labor and economic benefits to creating a race based slave system; however, the transition to race based slavery was more complex than what might be obvious to a 21st century student. Read Edmund Morgan&x27;s paper, "Slavery and Freedom: the American Paradox" and as a class evaluate his argument that […]

What does this refrain mean-How can beauty be terrible-How does the “birth” of this beauty mark a profound change?

Easter 1916 For your “Easter 1916” response paper, write a short (2 ½ page paper with Works Cited on page 4 our later) in MLA format in response to required prompt: “Write a [2 ½ page] response paper considering the significance of the famous refrain ‘a terrible beauty is born.’ What does this refrain mean? […]

How does Hawthorne’s use of paradox affect your understanding of the characters and the plot?

Authors use paradox to present ideas that, on the surface, seem contradictory. But with deeper analysis, readers figure out that the ideas together make sense. In addition, the intentional pairing of opposing ideas can enhance their meaning or even create new, unexpected meaning. What are some examples of paradox in “The Birthmark”? How does Hawthorne’s […]

Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Heckscher-Ohlin model of international trade with particular emphasis on the Leontief paradox in the context of the USA data and recent global empirical evidence.

Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Heckscher-Ohlin model of international trade with particular emphasis on the Leontief paradox in the context of the USA data and recent global empirical evidence. (Use equations, diagrams and tables where useful).

How does she define the paradox of whiteness and how does she relate this paradox to President Obama’s broad appeal and support in the chapter “Know Your Whites?

Tressie McMilan Cottom writes that “I however am not sure what social progress would look like given that its existence relies on the paradox of whiteness.” How does she define the paradox of whiteness and how does she relate this paradox to President Obama’s broad appeal and support in the chapter “Know Your Whites?”