Use your own words to explain what you think are the dangers of “a single story.”-What does has it meant in your life-Why does it matter?

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION CLASS. Here is tghe link to the video Based upon your own personal experience, and the new knowledge that you have learned in this module from the Wood reading, videos, AND the “The Danger of a Single Story” video, use your own words to explain what you think are the dangers of […]

Does your paper have an overall clear evaluation of a topic and clearly state its overall positive/negative nature in some way?

The good and Bad of social media Does your paper have an overall clear evaluation of a topic and clearly state its overall positive/negative nature in some way? Does each paragraph connect back to the overall evaluation clearly? Content: Is all relevant context/background provided? Do your topic sentences make evaluative claims about a positive/negative aspect […]

How can issues of race and ethnicity be used to keep lower status workers form challenging those who have power over them?

Assignment 1 Part 1 ABOUT 70 PERCENT OF PAGE. SINGLE SPACE How can issues of race and ethnicity be used to keep lower status workers form challenging those who have power over them? Response must be 2 paragraphs. 2 Part of Assignment 1. 1 Paragraph about 30 percent of page single space. Provide a meaningful […]

Compose a full and complete annotated bibliography that includes the 6 scholarly sources with which you are most likely to work as you begin drafting your essay

Review from the lesson and textbook readings argumentative appeals, models for argument, effective and correct use of sources, and the purposes for/examples of annotated bibliographies. Assess any feedback provided by the professor and/or your peers from discussion. Refer to the “Guidelines and Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry” document for success. Compose a full and complete annotated […]

What about the evidence is significant? What connections are you using it to make? How does the evidence support your argument?

-Be sure that you have a clear, arguable thesis statement, and that you use academic paragraph structures. -Avoid using first person singular pronouns (I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, our, get, you, your, yours, got, getting, gotten) -Use quoted evidence from the text(s) to support each point you make. Use MLA format for all […]

Pick one of the following topics and write an introductory paragraph. The strategies I use to reach my goals include … Reasons why people lie… The person that I admire is . . .

INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH ASSIGNMENT. NOW YOUR TRY IT Pick one of the following topics and write an introductory paragraph. The strategies I use to reach my goals include … Reasons why people lie… The person that I admire is . . .

Discuss (not summarize) the ideas of each article in isolation (briefly) and how they work together. What can be learned by combining what the articles are saying?

Introduction paragraph(s) (no more than 2). What is the general topic? How is the topic defined? What are the issues?oYour introduction cannot be more than the first page (including your basic heading). If you are writing more than that, then your “introduction” is really a long summary.•Paragraph 2 (or 3). “This Review Essay will explore… […]