Briefly discuss the basic concepts of bankruptcy and summarize the various aspects of environmental law.

Read chapters 18 & 19 of the book: “Paralegal Today: The Legal Team at Work” If you do not have access to this book, please use my credentials below to gain access: Link: Sign-in info: PROMPT: Using info from Chapters 18 & 19 (and other scholarly sources as needed), briefly describe the various types […]

Explain Based on the article what skills should a paralegal have when applying for a job?

Description Unit 1 Discussion A: Introduction and Reading Response to “Hire is not a ‘Four-Letter Word’” Grading Use the attached rubric to determine if you are meeting the objectives of the assignment for full credit. Discussion Directions Step 1A: -Read “Hire is not a ‘Four-Letter Word’” ABA Solo, Small Firm, General Practice, eReport, January 2017. […]

Assess the paralegal’s professional role and responsibility in relation to course content, including issues of equity, ethics, and cultural competency (evaluation).

Demonstrate comparative understanding of criminological, legal, and sociolegal justice theories and their critiques (evaluation). Identify and describe the adversary theorem and analyze its impact on the development of the legal profession, the U.S. legal system, and public perceptions of legal professionals (evaluation). Critique the legal implications of selected current social issues (evaluation). Analyze issues of […]