Describe how to interpret the parameters of the recoded model-Is there a reason to prefer one coding over the other?

Altering Dummy Variable Values Consider the two variable regression problem with a dummy variable in the design matrix: g = /30 + thi+ 71+ e, where 1 is a dummy-variable that is coded 1 if the observation satisfies a certain condition, and is 0 ti otherwise. Consider replacing the 0 and 1 values in d […]

Who is your intended audience-What are some parameters for your topic?

In this assignment, you will need to propose a topic for your argument paper. Your topic should be a controversial question or problem that you have observed or identified, possibly in the field in which you are studying. In the proposal, you will need to include the following: your focused research question The rhetorical situation: […]

Which model required less time to train-Why do you think that is?

6 Boosted Decision Trees and Random Forest (Henry) In this assignment, you are going to fit and tune random forest and boosted decision trees to predict whether a given passenger survived the sinking of the Titanic based on the variables provided in the data set. You may use sklearn and gridsearch. 6.1 First, download the […]

What is to be done with a warrant if no property owner is available? Explain

Legal Foundation of Arson Investigations You are a senior member of an arson investigations unit. You are being supported by newly assigned criminal investigators from a street crime unit, who don’t have must experience in the investigation of arson crimes. These investigators have had training in the physical evidence collection process, but they look to […]

Discuss your role and responsibility as the Administrator, including the staff you supervise, the administrative structure, union and non-union staff and volunteers.

For this assignment you will write this as a current or prospect healthcare administration professional. You may find it helpful to locate a healthcare administration position or if you currently work in the field you may use your current position as the foundation for this assignment. Imagine you have just begun working as a Healthcare […]

List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy.

APharmA5 Would you prescribe any medications at this point? Why or why not? If so, what? What would be the choice for second-line therapy? What are the parameters for monitoring success of the therapy? Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would […]

What social group is the ad intended for-What social groups are represented in the advertisement?

5.3 Assignment: Deconstructing the world around us Select any advertisement and use your sociological imagination to analyze it; apply concepts from the chapters you have read so far. In your response, you should address the following questions: 1.What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement? 2. Does […]

Explain why you want to conduct the survey-what you hope to gain from the survey responses.

Survey Proposal Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 8 and 9 of your textbook. In this week’s discussion, you identified parameters for your sample population. Now, you will need to create a survey proposal. Your survey must be thorough and persuasive enough to convince your leadership to sponsor your survey. In your […]