What is your particular methods of boosting your parasympathetic nervous system?

Discussion 3 REMEMBER: The 350 word is just the MINIMUM, you can go OVER that number and be fine. The idea is mind blowing isn't it!? The idea that you have these tiny wires (neurons) crisscrossing your entire body making literally EVERYTHING possible! 1. Tell me something you can compare these neurons to in the […]

How does it happen? What occurs in the heart/blood vessels? Which scenarios or external factors would cause the parasympathetic nervous system to activate this response?

Nervous system Initial post: For your first discussion post, describe how the parasympathetic nervous system influences one function in your body. For example, the parasympathetic nervous system causes decreased blood pressure. If you chose this body function, you would describe the physiology behind the decreased blood pressure. How does it happen? What occurs in the […]

Think of a scenario from your own life where either branch may have been activated. What happened?Describe the scenario. Determine which branch of the ANS was in control and explain how you know.

In this module, you learned the difference between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and how each one regulates bodily functions. Think of a scenario from your own life where either branch may have been activated. What happened? Write a response in which you: Describe the scenario. Determine which branch of […]

Think of a scenario from your own life where either branch may have been activated. What happened?Describe the scenario. Determine which branch of the ANS was in control and explain how you know. Discuss what symptoms you experienced.

In this module, you learned the difference between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and how each one regulates bodily functions. Think of a scenario from your own life where either branch may have been activated. What happened? Write a response in which you: Describe the scenario. Determine which branch of […]