Describe the most difficult student or class you have had to work with.

Chapter 10 Write a page and half paper including the question below. book can be found at Describe the most difficult student or class you have had to work with. what in this book would have helped you the most? In the special challenge section of the text, it provides many strategies to help […]

What are the turning points that mark change over time for parents of children who have experienced a TBI?

What are the dimensions of the health challenge of caring for a child who has had a moderate-to-severe TBI? What are the turning points that mark change over time for parents of children who have experienced a TBI? How have parents managed the challenges they face? The research questions for the quantitative component are: How […]

Does the district have the right to skip steps on the Progressive discipline process?

CASE STUDY A teacher of special needs transports5 students to a local grocery store as part of work training for special needs students transitioning to adult life. The teacher has a bus license and drives students using the school activity bus.the teacher is accompanied by a paraprofessional. After the bus returns to school the teacher […]

What policy changes would you recommend to better accommodate single parents? Should marriage be rewarded in today’s society if there will be a clear burden on single parents? Are the religious and societfktal implications of marriage outdated?Discuss

The history of women and divorce and is a long and shameful one. Women were not allowed land, money, their children, or any personal property when they sought divorces. As times changed and women achieved more rights, laws became more neutral to ensure that both parties received the same recognition under the law. As you […]

How should governments go about limiting consumable items people like to use? Should it even be the government’s role to do so?

1. Do you think there are generational differences between how older versus younger people interact with the outdoors? Why or why not? 2. The commercial indicates that the older parents and grandparents are saddened because the children wanted to stay indoors. Do you see the children’s responses as problematic (something to be sad about) or […]

Discuss Are parents who are higher on the Big Five traits of introversion and conscientiousness more likely to develop secure attachments with their children?

Research Question Develop a basic research question addressing the identified gap. In other words, create a question that further investigates your identified gap and that you could answer through research. Are parents who are higher on the Big Five traits of introversion and conscientiousness more likely to develop secure attachments with their children?

Research the family’s culture (choose a culture of your choice to focus on) to learn how it views disciplinary practices. Provide at least 5 cultural attributes that may affect disciplinary decisions.

Create a culturally responsive intervention taking into account: (a) family type (b) culture and (c) identified areas for intervention. Competencies and Points: Research the family’s culture (choose a culture of your choice to focus on) to learn how it views disciplinary practices. Provide at least 5 cultural attributes that may affect disciplinary decisions. 10 Points […]