How can you apply this knowledge or understanding (from all the readings) as a future educator to disrupt unjust systems?

Rethinking Disibility The Text Response must demonstrate that you have read the text carefully and identified key questions, issues and critical points for discussion for the assigned reading. The document should capture key information from the readings using your own words as deeply as possible and connect it to relevant personal experiences. This assignment is […]

Explain the long-term impact on Black Greek Life and its implications for future Big Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO).

Wrongs of Passages Wrongs of passage: Violence in historically African American Greek Groups. In 1-2 pages, read and summarize the excerpt from Wrongs of Passage. In your summary, explain the long-term impact on Black Greek Life and its implications for future Big Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO). Be sure to cite text-based answers from the readings […]

Choose a short passage that is interesting to you from the primary readings given.

Choose a short passage that is interesting to you from the primary readings given. Type out the passage and then write TWO discussion questions about that passage to share with the class and/or to develop later in an essay. Be sure to include the page number/s for the passage you’ve selected.  

Why do you think your attachment style impacts your relationships in the way it does?

Read the Passage Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? Can you add any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic? Why do you think your attachment style impacts your relationships in the way it does? How can having insight […]

Explain the importance of the passage and how it fits and operates within the larger text.

Close Reading 1. Select a passage (phrase or paragraph) in a text. The passage must be at the top of the page. 2. Explain what the passage means by relating it to the main topic of the text. 3. Detail the argument that supports the selected passage. 4. Explain the importance of the passage and […]