Why and how did you come to care about this topic, environmental studies, and sustainability in general?

Testimonial Essay Description: Testimonials are personal stories that highlight the significant reasons why the writer or speaker might support a certain social or political position, or why they might be passionate about a particular subject. You are going to share your story about your relationship with, and interest in, the specific topic you’ve chosen to […]

Write something you feel passionate about you want to change in your organization or household and explain how you can influence and lead others to share your purpose, and conclusion.

Create an introduction in your paper,any experience in healthcare, if working, determine your role in the organization,define your leadership style, Write something you feel passionate about you want to change in your organization or household and explain how you can influence and lead others to share your purpose, and conclusion. Why did you choose to […]

Why do you see this as something you want to spend the rest of your life doing and learning about?

Provide a 1000 word report. The topic is something about engineering you are passionate (that is, you care deeply). (Robotics, Data Science, Computer Science) We don’t care about why the world of engineering is interesting to some people, we want to know why you chose engineering: Why do you put up with a long and […]

What are your current interest and opportunities?

Opportunities Diagram This is not a real discussion, its a way for everyone to see your opportunities drawing. What do you want to be when you grow up? What are your current interest and opportunities? Make a list of: Things that you are passionate about. Things that you are interested in. Things that you are […]