What percentage of the S. aureus isolated from burn victims was resistant to ampicillin?

1)Why are burn victims more susceptible to bacterial infections than the average person?       Burn victims tend to be older and less healthy even prior to their burn injury     Burn victims tend to be immobilized and the lack of movement can lead to infection     Treatment for burns includes immuno […]

How should investigators handle trace evidence that is stuck on an object found at the crime scene?

Protocol for Evidence Collection Assignment Details Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious. Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They […]

What type of immunity does the COVID-19 vaccine provide and why is it important to receive boosters to maintain the protection against the virus?

Discussion post. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we hear information about antibodies, immunity, and vaccines daily. It seems that our biggest concern now is getting the majority of the population vaccinated. Chapter 21 discusses how our immune system works to protect us from pathogens, after reading the chapter discuss the following. ISBN: 9780134807355 What is the […]

Which characteristics of these bacteria make them extremely virulent and difficult to kill?

Clostridium difficile Clostridium difficile has become a concerning problem in the health care setting and other long-term care facilities. Many pathogens can be spread by the same mechanisms. Which characteristics of these bacteria make them extremely virulent and difficult to kill?

Describe one component of one of these categories (first, second, or third line of defense) and how it helps the body ward off pathogens.

The body can be described as having three distinct lines of defense; first, second, and third. Describe one component of one of these categories (first, second, or third line of defense) and how it helps the body ward off pathogens.