Which speaker was the stronger speaker in their ability to use the five canons of rhetoric and the three rhetorical appeals? Why do you believe so?

Compare & Contrast You are to view two different speakers giving a speech on the same topic. You will examine the speaker’s use of the five canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. How effective is the speaker in keeping in mind the topic, audience, and occasion. Pay attention to the speaker’s use […]

What action ought to be taken by the city of Memphis in order to protect its community?

This research essay is about Gun Violence/Gun Control and must make the essay related to Memphis, TN. Try to answer the question “what action ought to be taken by the city of Memphis in order to protect its community?” Also, must use rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos, and also kairos). 4 of the 5 sources […]

Write three paragraphs, one for each line of argument, explaining your reasoning for identifying them this way

Short Writing 2. After reading the chapters on the lines of argument, look at the examples of film posters on the handouts page on our class site. Then write a post of 350 words in which you identify which one relies most on logos, which relies most on pathos, and which relies most on ethos. […]