What do you think is the most effective pathway for you right now and why?

Complete the Pathways of Public Service and Civic Engagement survey and reflect on the results that you received by writing about your thoughts on the following questions: In 750-1000 words, address the following. To what extent do you feel the results are accurate? Explain your answer. What do you think is the most effective pathway […]

How, if at all, has developing this project changed how you see your academic work in relationship to social change?

Write a paper of 3000 to 4000 words (12 to 15 pages) in which you develop an Academic Community Impact Project Proposal that meets a need defined with a community partner organization. Final Project Outline The final project should be structured as follows: Introduction/Overview: Provide a 1-page overview of your project. Needs Overview: Discuss the […]

Is enough background provided to make the topic clear? Is the significance of the topic discussed? What are the questions being researched? What pathway(s) and pathway molecules will be discussed?

Grammer and Syntax: 10pts Narrative Structure: (Logic, Sequence of Discussions, Clarity, Organization) 10pts Background: Is enough background provided to make the topic clear? Is the significance of the topic discussed? What are the questions being researched? What pathway(s) and pathway molecules will be discussed? 20pts Body: What did the researchers ask? What methods did they […]