How did they deal with these constraints-how were they affected by them?

Patriarchal Write a 3-4 pages essay including direct quote from both articles. Women in different times and places have lived under the constraints of a patriarchal society. How did they deal with these constraints and how were they affected by them? Read and interpret “A Rose for Emily” and “The Daughters of the Dead Colonel” […]

A Feminist Virtue Ethics?Do you think, therefore, that Aristotelian virtue ethics is improved upon by care ethics/feminist virtue ethics, or was it doing alright on its own?Explain

4.) A Feminist Virtue Ethics? While certainly very important, Aristotle’s articulation of the virtues and their roles in our lives seem to be inherently lacking because they fail to provide a consideration for a multiplicity of viewpoints. In other words, discussions of “virtue” are typically done with masculine/patriarchal/exclusivist overtones. Annette Baier and other feminists offer […]