Describe the formative assessment for the activity and how the results would alter the learning activities.

Competency Based Activity Design Learning activities (3-4) that differentiate and scaffold learning, include technology, and align to CBE concepts. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency: Apply competencies, outcomes, and standards to curriculum development. Design learning activities that […]

Which principles (from either approach) do you feel might be useful?

This week you are to write a research paper comparing and contrasting the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction and learning. Suppose the senior supervisor or manager of your organization asks you to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train your employees in the appropriate way(s) to deal with harassment […]

Select a peer-reviewed journal article and prepare a maximum 5-slide, 5-minute presentation summarising the core ideas contained within the article

Globalisation and education 1. Select a peer-reviewed journal article and prepare a maximum 5-slide, 5-minute presentation summarising the core ideas contained within the article. You should: Introduce yourself and the article’s topic, authors, and any other relevant information Offer an engaging summary of the core sociological concepts from the article, justifying and drawing explicit connections […]

Discuss ways in which your designs incorporate child- nature relationships, Indigenous perspectives, place-based perspectives and place connections, inclusiveness, and sustainability learning.

Topic: – DESIGNING AND PLANNING LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOR EARLY CHILD- HOOD AND PRIMARY SCHOOL. In this assignment you will identify, examine, and reflect on your theoretical understandings of learning environments for children developed throughout the subject and to demonstrate them through the design of an indoor and outdoor environment for early years and lower primary […]

How does Hunter react when confronted by the harm of his actions and how does he justify his actions?

Abuse online: Trolling, bullying and revenge porn, explain this aspect of the topic, drawing on academic theories/literature. This is why we can’t have nice things: mapping the relationship between online trolling and mainstream culture’ by Phillips. What are the key features of ‘lulz fetishism’? What role is played by emotion ? What is ‘emotional firewalling’? […]

What does the evidence say when it comes to teachers’ digital skills helping with pedagogical/ content knowledge?

Teacher Digital Skills in Bangladesh Section 1: Why teachers’ digital skills are important (1 page) What is meant by teachers’ digital skills, and how do we define it for this chapter (½ page) Why is a focus on teachers’ digital skills important (½ page) Section 2: A situational analysis of what we know about teachers’ […]

What are the main principles of project management-How long has project management been practiced?

Conduct a literature review (library and Internet) on Project Management and include all that you can find on that subject in the current professional and pedagogical literature. What are the main principles of project management? How long has project management been practiced? What industries is project management widely used? Is project management consistent globally?   […]