What is the school’s role in preventing and responding to suicide in the school systems?

The research hypothesis typically states the anticipated relationship between variables in a quantitative study. Oftentimes, these variables are labeled as dependent and independent, with the independent variable meaning the intervention, treatment, or other change that is introduced. The researcher then wishes to measure the impact of that change on the dependent variable. Why might it […]

Conduct a library search for a peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to the topic.

1. Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and identify one health issue of interest related to community health (i.e. an issue that affects a population) 2. Conduct a library search for a peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to the topic. 3. Write a brief summary  (1-2 paragraphs) of why you selected this […]

Access relevant contemporary mental health promotion literature to support your discussion; please use Peer Reviewed/ Academic literature between 2012 to 2020

Instructions for this assessment task: • draw on theoretical concepts of mental health promotion in Australia • access relevant contemporary mental health promotion literature to support your discussion; please use Peer Reviewed/ Academic literature between 2012 to 2020 • explore well-reputed data sources reporting Australian suicide statistics in addition to current peer-reviewed literature examining suicide […]