Narrate one incident you’ve seen around you taking into consideration the victom and the perpetrators.

Human rights violated Base on your experience, relate one incident wherein any og your human rights was violated. And explain how it changed your life and come up with a recommendation so that the same incident will not happen to anyone. Narrate one incident you’ve seen around you taking into consideration the victom and the […]

What happened to the perpetrators? If you cannot find a case in your state, you can discuss one from outside of your area.

Topic: Pension Scams Have pension funds in your community or state been victimized by white-collar criminals? What were the effects of the fraud? What happened to the perpetrators? If you cannot find a case in your state, you can discuss one from outside of your area. Use research to support your post.  

Explain,In your view, did the perpetrators of this act of fraud and thievery commit moral wrongdoing? Is it morally justifiable to steal from corporations and fund life-saving research for the betterment of society? Of children?

In November of 1995, a McDonald’s game piece worth $1 million showed up in the mail at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. St. Jude’s Hospital is an organization whose mission is to find cures for dying children. McDonald’s generously waived the rules that only the winner could claim the winnings, and paid St. […]