Discuss why other than pesticides why people may not want to eat GE foods just for some more depth

Description Step 4 Essay Preparation Topic: Complete paper 1. Based on the feedback from the 3rd draft submission (Peer Review #2), complete a draft of your complete paper. a. FEEDBACK: Only thing you could maybe think about adding is why other than pesticides why people may not want to eat GE foods just for some […]

Discuss How do you agree or disagree with the fact that the use of pesticides is a worthy cause?

We may regard pesticides as dagerous for our health and even poisonous to the body. It is also true that pesticides have a significant economic value for human existence in ways such as food production, control of pests and plants. With this in mind: (a) Present an argument in favor of continual use of pesticides […]

Describe some practical and effective IPM (integrated pest management) approaches you, as a concerned (and knowledgeable) citizen, could pursue in trying to control insects, weeds, and other pests in your own yard and garden.  Cite several of the human and environmental problems the IPM approach to pest control aims to avoid.

In this 1-2 page essay, I want you to address the following: As society strives to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, describe some practical and effective IPM (integrated pest management) approaches you, as a concerned (and knowledgeable) citizen, could pursue in trying to control insects, weeds, and other pests in your own yard and garden. […]