What is the sigma of this process, and how many doses would be above 5 mg in 1,000,000 doses produced?

Logistics and Supply Management Part 1. What is the difference between a specification limit and a control limit? Part 2. A pharmaceutical manufacturer requires between 3 and 5 mg of medication in each dose of cancer medication. The mean of the process is 3.75, and the standard deviation is .25. What is the sigma of […]

What responsibilities do individual communities (towns, counties) have regarding this crisis?

Some questions to consider might be as follows (these are suggestions, not requirements, and students may add their own): ●Should pharmaceutical companies and/or executives/employees be held responsible for any part of the opioid crisis? ●Should the marketing of prescription medication be regulated, and how should it be regulated? ●Should addiction studies be required for all […]

Discuss any compliance and/or regulatory issues you think would be involved in the companies you have selected as they relate to the cost of the products made.

Unit 4 Project International versus U.S. Accounting Standards For this assignment, you will research and compare international and U.S. accounting standards. This will enable you to see how the different reporting methods affect business and how product costs are affected by international business. The learning objectives of this report are as follows: Compare and contrast […]

Does the HIV program offer any special opportunities or challenges?

What were the pros and cons of Sangamo pursuing its gene editing programs alone versus working with a partner? Does the HIV program offer any special opportunities or challenges? What do you think Sangamo should do regarding the HIV program? Should it license the technology to a large pharmaceutical? Should it form a joint venture […]

Analyze and discuss three international factors you think would affect the cost of the products made at the companies you selected and why.

Unit 4 Accounting Project International versus U.S. Accounting Standards For this assignment, you will research and compare international and U.S. accounting standards. This will enable you to see how the different reporting methods affect business and how product costs are affected by international business. The learning objectives of this report are as follows: Compare and […]

Provide three reasons for choosing this organization and describe any image or public relation issues.

Identify a healthcare provider (urgent care facility, clinic, hospital, hospice or pharmaceutical company) that could benefit from a marketing campaign. Provide three reasons for choosing this organization and describe any image or public relation issues. Public-relation issues can include a negative public incident, poor reputation or recent fraud investigation. Finally, explain how a marketing plan […]

How many factors and dependent variables does this analysis have?

In order to evaluate the effect of a drug over a disease a pharmaceutical company wants to perform a study comparing the effect of the drug with placebo. The drug and the placebo will be delivered to both male and female patients to verify any possible different response of the two sexes. The effect of […]

Do you believe it is ethical to make money, i.e., profit, from people who are sick?

Healthcare as a For-Profit Business American healthcare, specifically hospitals, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies, in the United States make millions and millions, and in some cases billions and billions of dollars in profit annually. Healthcare is one of the largest and most profitable industries in the U.S. The number one reason why most Americans go bankrupt […]

Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail.

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect […]

Which projects did you undertake, what technical aspects were put to use, and what did you learn from them?

Pharmaceutical Studies MS Statement of Purpose Stage 3 Practical Experiences What relevant practical experiences have you had during or after your Bachelor’s degree? Answer the following questions: Which projects did you undertake, what technical aspects were put to use, and what did you learn from them? Discuss all conferences, seminars, workshops you have attended or […]